Plein air painting easel for watercolor

Plein air painting easel for watercolor

From time to time I wondered about the weight and functionality of my plein air painting easel. It took too long to set up and was heavy. This got me thinking about just what is important in an outdoor watercolor easel and how I could reduce the weight so that...
Plein air easel for watercolor painting

Plein air easel for watercolor painting

You can see a photo of my light weight plein air easel below. The whole thing, excluding my plastic palette weighs only 1.146KG (2.527 lb) which is less than a third of the weight of my original setup. The old metal palette weighed 495gm when filled with watercolor...
Buying Watercolor Brushes

Buying Watercolor Brushes

What to look for when buying round watercolor brushes If you are thinking of buying some new watercolor brushes what should you be looking for and how much should you spend? In the past the answer to this question would have been quite simple, “The most expensive...
Cheap Light Box for Artist’s Use

Cheap Light Box for Artist’s Use

How to make a cheap light box About six years ago I was given a great tip for transferring drawings you do on tracing paper or light weight paper such as Bank. This cheap light box is very cheap – in fact it is so inexpensive it is free! After to you complete...