Watercolor Mud how to avoid it

New artists often have trouble understanding what watercolor mud is when we are talking about watercolor painting. What it isn’t is the color of what we see in a puddle of wet dirt. Mud, when talking about watercolor painting refers to a section of the painting which...
Free watercolor course

Free watercolor course

This free watercolor course is based on one I ran online with Zoom. I have decided to post it all on YouTube and will be a prerequisite for any new students who want to join my advanced classes – subject to availability. You can find all my videos, including the...
Free Watercolor Beginner Classes

Free Watercolor Beginner Classes

I am producing a series of free watercolor beginner classes on YouTube. These videos cover the subjects, exercises, and paintings I normally do with my new inexperienced students. The course is desinged for anyone from absolute beginner to someone who has been...