Watercolor Painting Landscape Demonstration Step 3

Landscape Painting – the Distant Trees

The next step in our landscape painting is the distant trees. These also have to abide by the rules of areal perspective. This means that the more distant the trees the lighter will be their tone.

Using a mix of Raw Umber and French Ultramarine to create a grey green color I paint the distant trees on the right hand hill.

I then increase the paint consistency by adding more of the same pigments (don’t add more water) to strengthen the mix consistency and use this to paint the middle distance trees. I paint all my gum tree foliage using the side of my round brush to take advantage of the paper’s texture to help me create the illusion of foliage.

Watercolor Painting Landscape Painting the distant trees

Painting the distant trees with watercolor

Continue to: Watercolor Landscape Painting Demonstration Step 4